Kane County Cougars

Kane County Cougars

TC Print Shop is very proud to announce their collaboration with the Kane County Cougars. The Kane County Cougars are a local MLB partner league. Currently independent but in the past have been affiliated with the Cubs, Marlins, Diamondbacks and more. 

The Print Shop grew up going to games and outings at the Kane County Cougars stadium and is very happy to work with them to bring customized products into the cougar's facility. Our flagship item for the Cougars is a three-dimensional keychain that brings their logo to the palm of your hand. 


All custom products are hand designed, printed and finished in-house at the print shop. The cougar's keychain features a high detailed 3d modeled version of the cougar's new logo. On the back is a baseball with our manufacturing tag in the middle. All finished with our signature gold and high durable 2K clear. 

Please support The Print Shop and the Kane County Cougars by checking out a home game and finding our keychains in the gift shop!


Appreciate you all :)

- TC

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